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Your diet is important for staying healthy.

How many people do something to keep the body healthy! Many people spend the day without eating to lose weight or exercise day and night! But your diet is important for staying healthy.Your health depends on what kind of food you eat at what time. When you eat whatever you want, you will never be healthy.

 Because if you don't eat nutritious food, your body will not get equal nutrition. As a result, various diseases can occur in the body due to deficiency or excess of various vitamins. Everyone spends busy time in daily life. For this reason, whatever you get at hand, so eat! As a result, gastric and indigestion problems are seen. Especially if the morning meal is not proper, the body does not get energy throughout the day.

 According to nutritionists, breakfast should never be skipped. However, it is important to keep an eye on which foods to eat in the morning. Because the body's energy depends on the breakfast. Let's find out which foods should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning-

**** Many people eat water mixed with lemon and honey on an empty stomach in the morning. However, if you eat with honey without lemon, you will still benefit. Many people have gastritis in lemon, they can only eat honey mixed with water.Honey contains essential minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Which keeps the body clean from the inside. And playing on an empty stomach increases the metabolism rate. Toxins are released from the body.

****Nutritionists say that eating a few soaked walnuts on an empty stomach in the morning gives enough energy to the body throughout the day. It also helps in weight loss.Almonds are rich in magnesium, vitamin E, protein, fiber, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids. Soak the almonds overnight to get all the nutrients. Then get up in the morning and eat on an empty stomach.

**** Many people eat oats for breakfast. Some with milk, some with tokadai. But if you can make parij, then it is better for the body.You can make parij with oats and ripe banana in hot water. As a result, the level of hydrochloric acid in the body will be under control. Cholesterol lowering.First fry the oats in a pan to make the parmesan. Now add 2 cups of water. If it is a little thick, give half a cup of milk. Now mix two spoons of molasses or honey. 

When it becomes thick, take it down. When it is cold, spread almonds and cashews on top and eat. If you want you can give banana, apple.

**** Eggs have a lot of nutritional value. And so you must have boiled eggs or omelette for breakfast. As a result, you will not feel very hungry all day long. This will also reduce weight.

**** Must have fruit for breakfast. Many people have the misconception that you do not have to eat fruit on an empty stomach. However, nutritionists say that fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach after breaking the fast or not eating for a long time. As a result, it contains a lot of vitamins, fiber and water. Which gives instant energy to the body.

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