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Headache? a symptom of a brain tumor!

Brain tumors can be fatal. And that's why everyone is scared when they hear the name of brain tumor. In this case, cancer or non-cancer cells grow inside the brain. These tumors can occur not only in the brain but also in other parts of the body and can spread to the brain. There are several types of brain tumors. Physicians treat patients after seeing how fast the tumor is growing, where it is, how much nerves have been damaged, whether the tumor is cancerous, etc.

However, according to experts, the disease is curable if caught in the early stages, otherwise the patient's life can be taken. So even if you see a few symptoms, you should consult a doctor. That's why it's good to know what the symptoms of a brain tumor are. However, the symptoms of a brain tumor vary from patient to patient.

Symptoms also depend on where the tumor is located, whether the nerve is damaged, and so on. However, in the early stages, many symptoms can appear in many-

1. Blurred vision

2.The taste in the mouth is gone

3. Trembling

4. Epilepsy

5. Numbness of one hand or body

. Not being able to maintain balance. Walking and falling etc.

. Do not understand

. Change in personality.

9. Fainting

10. Nausea or vomiting etc.

In addition to all the above symptoms, there are two other symptoms that can occur regularly. These two symptoms are - severe headaches and feeling overwhelmed by the extra pressure on the head.

According to the National Health Service, this type of headache is more painful than normal headaches. In this case it is very painful. Even pain can happen every day. So do not suppress the headache by taking a little medicine. Consult a doctor.

Who has a higher risk of brain tumors?

1. Brain X-ray, CT scan, radiotherapy, even if the dose increases the risk of the disease.

2.People with genetic diseases such as sclerosis, Turner syndrome, type 1 and type 2

3.Most of the time it has been seen that people in their sixties or older are being affected by this problem.


4. If anyone in the family is infected with this disease.

5.Those who get hit in the head.

6. Men suffer more from this disease than women.

So if you have these risks and notice any of the above symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

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